We help you reach the top and stay on top

Business Development Solutions

It’s not about idea, it’s about making idea happen.


Build. Empower. Amplify. Boost. Connect

Consultancy Services

Experienced consultants with wide range of industry experience offers Real Business value and innovative consulting services in business strategy, finance, marketing, IT&Telecom and network domain

Web Development

If You Can Dream It, We Can Web It. we are here to help you from concept to production to have a bespoke web app development services.

Application Development

Developed custom application software from scratch for both web applications and desktop application. Took existing websites and either fixed outstanding bugs from a previous development team or added new functionality to the existing website

Digital Marketing

Our Experts Marketers help you to connect your brand with your audience. We provide top marketing solutions and advertise your brand online.

Cloud Services

Brizlar Smart Cloud is Pakistan’s One-of-a-kind Build Your Own Cloud server offering enabling our customers to build virtual servers & networks customized to their unique application requirements.

Enterprise Solutions

Enterprise Resource Planning is the arrangement of how the resources of a business are obtained. It is a system that maintains all the data from various business functions in one common database. Lets do it with our experts team


The Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed the lives of people as well as businesses across the globe. IoT has the potential to unlock revenue streams, improve engagement rates, and increase efficiency.


“A finely tuned marketing and publicity system delivers a predictable number of quality sales leads to you every day, month in and month out, so your salespeople spend time only with people who already understand what you do and who have proactively asked you to help them solve their problem. 

Our Customers

Our mission is to deliver compelling narratives, remarkable experiences, and outstanding results for our clients. Here’s a snapshot of some of the brands we are proud to work with.

"We offer the best services build on our deep experience

With creative, highly professional team, we contribute to the new paradigm of technology for the success of our partners
Usama Arshad
CEO, Brizlar Global